* Welcome to QAnon & Politics
The Q posts are a huge body of information that shed light on investigations into corruption happening on a global scale.
It's the news behind the news. And a unified movement of We, The People.
It also educates people about how to find open source intelligence and information for themselves.
This blog is a work in progress. I update it as I come across files, folders, books, articles and so on, related to Q posts, themes, players and other related resources.
* A Brief History of QAnon
On 28 October 2017 an Anonymous person(s) began posting what is referred to in the image board culture as "crumbs". Crumbs are bits of information that when researched and gathered together add up to relevant, useful information. In the image board culture this is called "bread".Over time these posts became a body of work that has proved useful to people seeking truth.
My personal interest in the information began in early November 2017 when I was trying to make sense of what was referred to at the time as the "Saudi Purge".
Later, on 20 December 2017, when President Trump signed an Executive Order on human trafficking (1) I decided that what I called the Q-Anon Phenom was worth watching.
I watched as this information-sharing source grew into a movement of millions of people sharing and collaborating to help themselves and each other counterbalance the disinformation campaigns happening across various media platforms.
This movement became known as #TheGreatAwakening.
We, the People, Standing Up for OUR Freedom.
* Who is Q?
I think the best way to answer this question is in Q's own words.- Q Clearance Patriot (Q 34)
- What is Q Clearance? (Q 48)
- Q is part of team of less than 10 people. (Q 60)
- The first time Q signed a Q post was on 2 November 2017, (Q61).
- By this time Q had been posting only four days.
Summary from the Q theme at QMap.pub
- Q Clearance Patriot, QAnon, or simply Q is a group of patriots in Military Intelligence / NSA with access to all the information including Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data.
- Q serves at the pleasure of President Trump and is leading The Storm and Great Awakening worldwide.
- Q leverages anonymous internet boards (the chans) to divulge the biggest insider approved intel drop in the history of the world.
- These anonymous boards were selected as the single communication channel to spread the message because they could not be controlled or censored like other social media platforms.
- Q posts cryptic “crumbs” that hold the key to future events and the unraveling of corruption and evil that is everywhere. These crumbs are fully understood by watching the news cycle and seeing events unfold. Q has made many predictions of future events that are undeniable proofs.
- Likewise, there is a clear pattern of communication and coordination between Q posts and POTUS tweets.
- POTUS, Q, and patriotic anons are working together to rid the world of the evil and corruption and it's working -- The Storm is picking up speed as we see: politicians stepping down, CEOs resigning, sealed indictments, child trafficking arrests, house cleaning in FBI/DOJ/DOS, booming US economy, North Korea peace, Saudi Arabia arrests, Iran revolution, and much more...
(Note added 14 Sep 2020: QMap is no longer available online. It was a great resource, the themes ideas I use in this blog came from that site. I added some of my own, too.)
* What is The Plan?
The Plan that Q refers to is expressed by President Trump in this video.You can find a transcript to the video here.
And a bullet point layout of the key ideas expressed here.
Q often encourages the Anons to Trust the plan as a way to remind us that there is a strategy in place. The Q posts help us understand this strategy.
The Anons; We, the People, have a vital role to play in this plan.
- Educate ourselves
- Think for ourselves
- Trust ourselves (and our Creator)
- Share what we learn with others to increase public awareness
- Hold our representatives accountable to the Constitution and Rule of Law
* How this QAnon & Politics Blog Works
Each Q post has it's own blog post. The most recent post at the top, here.In addition to the Q post, you will find historical context, related current events, source links to research and research tips.
The Q posts within the blog posts may be cross-connected to other Q sites.
Q Aggregators/Research Resources:
8kun: https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html
Alert: Read the full Welcome page before you enter and/or engage on 8kun.
More Research Resources
(2) (You will find footnotes at the bottom of the page/posts.)Q Anon - The Storm (most recent pdf download) by @GandalfTheQ
Q has often recommended that people archive the Q posts offline. Downloading the Q Book is the easiest, fastest way to do that. This pdf is the work of a young man volunteering his time, energy and effort. The book is now over several thousand pages. The last update is from 18 November 2019.
It's a great resource of information.
* Three Benefits of QAnon Information/Movement
1. Discernment v Deception (3) A Race of Time (Q 1492)From Q 3721:
This question stands out to me because I had been asking myself that very same question for several years before Q began posting on 28 October 2017.How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?
It was a constant source of concern and frustration for me.
Perhaps it's the same for you, or for people you know.
The information in the Q posts helped to solve this problem for me.
2. Hive Mind/Global Brain/Crowd-Sourcing/Open Source Intelligence
When Q first used the phrase "hive mind", I was concerned. I thought of the Borg from Star Trek, and the thought of being a "borg" did not sit well with me.
Later, I came across the book Global Brain, by Howard Bloom. The phrase "hive mind" was used in a way that shifted its meaning for me. It's more like how many hands make light work, many minds do the same. Essentially, collaboration on a huge scale.
If the psychic energies of the average mass of people watching a football game or a musical comedy could be diverted into the rational channels of a freedom movement, they would be invincible.
Wilhelm Reich
One of the greatest benefits to the QAnon Information/Movement is the community that has evolved.
The rallying phrase Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA) (4) expresses the sense of unified love that the people in this global movement feel for each other, humanity as a whole, life, and our planet.
It also expresses that each of us makes a unique difference, we each matter, and have an effect on the whole.
See the WWG1WGA theme page here. (Click on the QAnon Posts at the bottom to read posts related to this topic/theme.)
1. You can find all of President Trump's Executive Orders at the White House, (which is also linked from the Resources page at QProofs.com, and at the National Archives Federal Registry.
2. Feel free to use the search function of this Google Blogger blog (upper right corner of screen) to find any keyword your looking for. Posts are also tagged by key themes/topics and people/players. (Reflecting the QMap.pub site organization for your researching convenience. QMap closed in Sep 2020, I've retained a similar organizational structure on this blog.)
3. See this post with the thought-provoking interview with Bossman and Martin Geddes. They discuss the challenge of our time, Discernment versus Deception.
4. Many people, especially in the beginning, referred to the Q posts as "cryptic". In reality, they only appeared that way, in part, because of:
- the number of acronyms used as a short cut
- the language style used to evade 'sniffers' and
- the constraints on communicating in a way that did not compromise National Security.
Over time, as the Q movement grew, the posts became less cryptic and more plain spoken, but still use acronyms.
Tip: If you hover over an acronym in the posts in this blog, what the acronym stands for will pop up for you.
Example: #WWG1WGA