The Plan Video, Bullet Points

Bullet point/Outline of the remarks of The Plan video shared by Q.

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

Transcript here.

Opening/defining statement of OUR Movment:

  • OUR Movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People.

Background information on why this movement has evolved.

  • Washington establishment, financial and media corporations that fund it.
  • Trillions of dollars at stake
  • People will determine if We, the People will reclaim control over our government
  • The political establishment will try to stop this, especially using its media proxies.

Plan of Action

  • Make trade deals more fair.
  • Immigration reform
  • Economic recovery
  • Return to Rule of Law standard for everyone (special focus on describing the Clinton Machine and its media proxies. (Note added: This includes the investigations happening in the background and the appointment of Constitutional Judges.)

This is a People’s Movement. It only works if people engage and work together to take their country back. Trump is expressing a commitment to this process, in support of the people.

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